Monday, June 05, 2017

Dogs and Their Inconsiderate Owners

Near the end of my run, I was contemplating either extending it by a mile or two or just ending it. I was already over 5 miles and was satisfied with how it went. The last mile was my fastest and I was cruising comfortably.

I was on the walking path near my house and I passed a lady with a small dog. I quickly noticed the dog was not a leash and started running towards me. She started calling after her dog. The dog did not listen. At first it just started barking and looking like it was going to jump on me. I kept running thinking it would stop and return to its owner as others have done before.

It kept following me and jumping. I finally had enough. I turned around, stomped my foot and screamed at the dog very loud. The dog got scared and ran away. I then screamed to the woman "What the F&ck? and held out my middle finger to her.

I am not proud of that. In fact I felt pretty embarrassed. However, because the dog was jumping on, I had go from a fast sprint to a complete stop a lot quicker that I usually do. At the time, I was worried about an injury. I was just very angry and annoyed. This is not the first time this has happened.

How often does this happen to you and how do you usually handle these situations?

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