The stars were aligned Saturday night and for the first time, I reached double digits for the first time ever. Saturday night, was the first cooler day in about 2 weeks. It was in the 80’s with a cool breeze. I was not working on Sunday, dinner was already made and the kitchen was cleaned up. My wife was happy to have some quiet time after the kids went to bed.
I wanted to do 7 miles and when I was out, I thought about 9. Then I decided with the summer coming soon, this may be the perfect night to break 10 miles. I did my usual 7 mile route and then I added a 3.4 mile extension for a total mileage of 10.4 miles. At one point, I was calculating on whether I could push it to 13.1 miles to make it a half marathon. I decided against this. I will get there this summer.
I finished and I surprisingly, I was going at a nice pace. I did not struggle. I made it up the last hill with as much as ease as I would have if I was doing 3 miles. When I got back home, I walked up the few flights of stairs to get home and had no problem.
Sunday morning, I went out for a short run just to get out there. My legs felt a little stiff the first half mile and I was thinking I made a mistake. By the halfway point of my run, everything was warmed up and I felt great. I now know that double digits is not a stretch and I can do this length of a run with minimal recovery.
I am now at 51.6 miles over 11 days running this month. I have only missed 1 day in May. If I keep this up, I should have a new record on days and total mileage ran for the month.
When did you first break double digits?