I have been looking at my training log for this month and I noticed
there is a chance to make it to 100 miles.
I am up to 59 miles with 9 days left in the month. 100 miles in a month has been a goal of mine
this past year. My original plan has
been to run the next 9 days and take off the 31st. We are having family come stay with us who
will be arriving the evening on the 30th. When I was
mapping out my schedule, I realized I will be at 96 miles on the 30th
if I make it out every day. I am
contemplating just getting out there on the 31st for a 4 mile run to
make it an even 100.
Today I was trying to get out there and do 5 miles, but my legs were starting to feel tired. I really wanted to push it and finish 5
miles. I have in my head the amount of
miles to run this week to make it there.
Then I took a step back and remembered what Running Without a Watch
is all about. It is about just getting
out there. Not focusing on whether I
should do 3, 4 or 5 miles. Not worrying
about whether I am running 8 minute, 9 minute,
or 10 minute miles.
I think this is the reason I do not race. I cannot handle the pressure of feeling like
I need to do a certain amount of mileage on a day when maybe my body is telling
me to go less.
Do you put unnecessary pressure on yourself to run a certain
amount of miles each day, each week or each month?
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